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Weather Related School Closings

School Closure Weather Decisions 

Haslett Public Schools may occasionally need to close due to weather conditions. Members of our school community will be notified as soon as a decision is made. Notifications will be sent promptly through social media and other communication channels.

Once the decision to close school is made (usually the morning of the closure), ALL school families will immediately receive phone and email notifications based on contact information available in our Skyward student information system. (Parents and guardians may add additional phone numbers and email addresses by logging into their “Family Access” account.) *

If you or members of your family do not have a Family Access Account:

  • Closure information will be posted on the district website as soon as a decision to close school has been finalized.
  • The district app will also push out notifications to subscribers of the app.
  • Local media stations are also contacted as soon as the District makes a decision to close school.

If you typically drive your child to school, and the school appears not to be open, be sure to check the resources above before leaving your child at the door. 

The Superintendent of Schools is responsible for making the final decision to close school.  This decision is not made alone, but in consultation with other area Superintendents, Ingham Intermediate School District, Ingham County Road Commission, area safety personnel such as Meridian Township and Michigan State Police.

The following procedures are employed by the District when weather conditions cause the district to consider closing school:

  • If outside temperatures or the wind chill are (at a minimum) 20 degrees or more below zero, school is automatically
  • If the closing of school is a consideration, the Haslett Director of Facilities and Operations begins traveling the roads early in the morning to determine if road conditions make it unsafe for our district buses, parents, and students.  
  • The Director of Facilities and Operations also communicates with local law enforcement employees, the county road commission staff and neighboring district facility and transportation supervisors.  During this gathering of information, he is also in close contact with the Superintendent.
  • Prior to making the final decision to close schools, the Superintendent personally communicates with all 12 local county Superintendents, via social media, to assess road conditions in our neighboring districts.
  • Every district makes an independent decision to close school. Neighboring districts may be closed while we remain open, as road conditions may vary depending on the rural or urban nature of each district.
  • Final decisions to close school are made in the morning before 6:00AM, if possible.

We consider the decision to close school very seriously.  As a parent, you may not always agree with our decision, however, please know if you believe conditions are not safe, it is always your right to keep your child home. 

Setup a Skyward Family Access Account to get Skylert notifications. Once your account is created, log in and click the Skylert link to set.