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Board Meeting Schedule

Haslett Board of Education Regular meetings are generally held on the second and fourth Monday of each month. Please note the exception in the months of July, December, and March. Additional Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Board. Special Meetings are posted at the Board Office, the front window of each building of the Haslett Public Schools, and on the Haslett Public Schools website.

Meetings are usually held in the Board Room of the Haslett Public Schools Administration Building, 5593 Franklin Street, Haslett, MI 48840, at 7:00 p.m., unless announced and specified otherwise.

The Haslett Board of Education meeting schedule is indicated on the calendar below.

There will be an opportunity for public comment during the meetings and those wishing to make a comment will be limited to five (5) minutes.  Speakers are asked to address all comments to the Board as a whole and not to individual members or to others in attendance at the meeting.

Citizens may reach out to Board members prior to the meetings to provide input, share concerns or ask questions by using the contact information on the Board of Education webpage.  Comments or letters sent to the Board are not read during the public comment period, but receipt of these communications is noted during the Board meeting.

Persons with disabilities who need special accommodations for participation in the meetings should contact the Superintendent's office at 517-339-8242 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting.

Upcoming Board Meetings