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Letter from the Superintendent

January 28, 2025

Dear Haslett Public Schools Community,

Since starting my journey as superintendent of Haslett Public Schools over six months ago, I have been overwhelmed by the thoughtful feedback I’ve received from our community. It’s clear that we are a district of many strengths—dedicated educators, supportive families, and remarkable students—but also a district ready to face challenges and grow stronger together.

Last night, our Board of Education officially charged me and my team with gathering input from our community to develop a five-year strategic plan we are calling Imagine 2030: Designing the Future Together.

To shape this strategic direction, we invite everyone in our community to participate. Over the next six months, our principals will host town halls, focus groups, and workshops at each school. Feedback gathered will be brought to a district task force, which will synthesize your insights and present a comprehensive report of all that is heard to the Board of Education. This collaborative effort ensures the plan reflects our community's diverse perspectives and aspirations.

The final strategic plan, which will be released in July 2025. will serve as our roadmap for continuous improvement, addressing key areas such as academics, culture, facilities, and community partnerships. This process represents an exciting opportunity for our district—a chance to unite as a community, celebrate our strengths, and establish clear direction for our future growth. Together, we will ensure that every student in Haslett Public Schools is positioned for success.

I encourage you to join us in this important work. Your involvement is vital to shaping this updated vision for our district, whether you attend a school-level event, participate in a survey, or share your ideas with me directly.

To stay updated on Imagine 2030 and learn how you can participate, visit our website at

Thank you for your continued commitment to our schools and students. Together, we will design a brighter future for Haslett Public Schools.


Patrick Malley, Superintendent