Parent Information and Links
Skyward Family Access
Family Access allows parents and guardians to view student information online. This includes the child's class schedule, grades, attendance demographics, emergency contact information and more. A login name and password is required to access your child's records. To receive this information, please complete the Family Access Account Request Form located on this page.
Meal Magic Family Portal
The Meal Magic Family Portal allows parents and guardians to make deposits to student accounts, transfer funds, review account balances, see what their children are eating, apply for meal benefits and more. There is a $2.00 convenience fee for each deposit made online. To create an account you will need your child's student ID number. If you do not know your child's student ID number, contact the school office or Food & Nutrition Services at 517-339-4833.
e-Funds for Schools Online Payment System
e-Funds for Schools allows parents and guardians to make online payments for items that are not meal related, such as athletic fees, Kids Connection, donations, etc. (Please Note: Meal deposits should be made through the Meal Magic Family Portal.)
Clever Portal
Classroom Platform for Wilkshire Early Childhood students in K-1
Skylert Notification System
Skylert is an automated messaging system used to notify parents, students and staff of school closings and other emergency situations through phone, email, and text messages. Parents and guardians can log into Skyward Family Access to indicate notification preferences and add phone numbers and email addresses at which to be contacted.
Volunteer for Haslett Public Schools
Thank you for your interest in volunteering in our schools. A background check is required for volunteers who work one-on-one with students, accompany students on overnight activities, supervise students in an activity with limited oversight by school staff, and/or work with student athletes. Visit our Volunteer web page for more information and to complete the background check.
Haslett Mobile App
The Haslett Mobile app is designed specifically to keep our families and community better informed, and includes push notifications for weather related school closings. This FREE app for both Apple and Android devices is available for download today.
Michigan Child Protection Registry
The Michigan Child Protection Registry stops adult advertisements from reaching emails, mobile phones and instant messenger IDs. Click the picture above to register your child's information.
Family Access Account Request Form