Transportation Discipline Policy
We believe all students can behave appropriately and safely while riding the school bus. We will not tolerate any students stopping a driver from doing their job, or preventing other students from having safe transportation.
The first time a student chooses to break a rule, the following consequences are applied:
Verbal warning
Student conference with driver
Assigned seat and/or call to the parent forewarning the parent that their child could be suspended from bus transportation if misbehavior continues.
If a student does not respond to the above consequences, the following procedures will be followed:
1st Incident: Student receives a bus discipline report prepared by the bus driver, and bus driver calls the parent.
2nd Incident: Student receives a bus discipline report prepared by the bus driver, and the transportation supervisor calls the parent.
3rd Incident: Student is suspended from bus transportation for three school days, with an optional conference with principal/parent/bus driver /student.
4th Incident: Student is suspended from bus transportation for ten school days, with an optional conference with principal/parent/bus driver/student.
5th Incident: Student is suspended from bus transportation for the remainder of the school year.