Elementary Bus Schedules
2024-25 Bus Schedules
Bus #1 - Driver: Robert Bateman (AM)
7:24 5915 Shoeman Road
7:25 6116 Shoeman Road
7:25 6135 Shoeman Road
7:27 635 Barry Road
7:29 Foster Road / Deer Trail
7:33 8910 Warner Road
7:34 9146 Warner Road (Gracewood)
7:36 9500 Warner Road
7:36 14961 Dunn Road
7:38 14547 Dunn Road
7:38 14501 Dunn Road
7:40 9551 Braden Road
7:43 Woodbury Road at Pollard Road
7:44 Woodbury Road / Red Bud Drive
7:44 Woodbury Road at Blackberry Lane
7:48 5805 Shoeman Road
7:54 Ridgeway Drive at Pine Ridge Drive
7:55 5730 Ridgeway Drive
7:56 Ralya
8:01 Wilkshire
This bus goes to Ralya/WECC
Bus #1 - Driver: Robert Bateman (PM)
3:15 Ralya
3:17 Wilkshire
3:22 Ridgeway Drive at Pine Ridge Drive
3:22 5730 Ridgeway Drive
3:25 Ralya
3:35 5915 Shoeman Road
3:36 6116 Shoeman Road
3:36 6135 Shoeman Road
3:38 635 Barry Road
3:40 Foster Road / Deer Trail
3:45 8910 Warner Road
3:46 9146 Warner Road (Gracewood)
3:48 9500 Warner Road
3:49 14961 Dunn Road
3:50 14547 Dunn Road
3:52 9551 Braden Road
3:56 Woodbury Road / Red Bud Drive
3:57 Woodbury Road at Blackberry Lane
4:00 5805 Shoeman Road
This bus goes to Ralya and is first in line at WECC
This bus shuttles for bus 6 and 16
This bus drops at Ridgeway/Pine Ridge/Ralya
Bus #2 - Driver: Dana Fancher (AM)
7:23 1141 Haslett Road
7:26 168 Haslett Road
7:30 583 Haslett Road
7:31 377 Haslett Road
7:34 5599 Canoga Lane
7:35 5587 Canoga Lane
7:36 635 Strawberry Lane / Canoga Lane
7:37 Haslett Road / Creekwood Lane
7:38 5656 Green Road
7:39 5568 Wood Valley Drive
7:40 5598 Wood Valley Drive
7:42 Wood Valley Drive / Honey Creek Circle
7:43 Whisperwood Drive at Wood Valley Drive
7:44 5781 Whisperwood Drive
7:45 Whisperwood Road at Shoesmith Road
7:46 442 Shoesmith Road
7:47 6041 Green Road
7:47 6057 Redondo Drive
7:49 Redondo Drive at Maple Hill Drive
7:49 5965 Buttonwood Drive
7:50 Buttonwood Drive / Eagles Way (corner stop)
7:52 5966 Eagles Way
7:52 5915 Green Road
7:53 5871 Green Road
7:53 5767 Green Road
7:54 1086 Haslett Road
7:55 1180 Haslett Road (Haslett at Academic)
7:56 Ralya
8:02 Murphy
This bus is a shuttle bus and goes to Ralya/Murphy
Bus #2 - Driver: Dana Fancher (PM)
3:15 Murphy
3:18 Wilkshire
3:23 1141 Haslett Road
3:24 5656 Green Road
3:25 5568 Wood Valley Drive
3:26 5598 Wood Valley Drive
3:27 Wood Valley Drive / Honey Creek Circle
3:28 Whisperwood Drive at Wood Valley Drive
3:29 Whisperwood Road at Shoesmith Road
3:30 442 Shoesmith Road
3:30 6041 Green Road
3:31 6057 Redondo Drive
3:32 Redondo Drive at Maple Hill Drive
3:33 5965 Buttonwood Drive
3:33 Buttonwood Drive / Eagles Way (corner stop)
3:34 5966 Eagles Way
3:35 5915 Green Road
3:35 5871 Green Road
3:36 5767 Green Road
3:37 5587 Canoga Lane
3:39 Earliglow Lane at Bird Farm Lane
3:41 168 Haslett Road
3:44 583 Haslett Road
3:45 473 Haslett Road
3:46 377 Haslett Road
3:49 Haslett Road / Creekwood Lane
3:51 1322 Haslett Road
This is a Murphy bus and shuttles for bus 4
Bus #3 - Driver: Natasha Justice (AM)
7:29 Cornell Road at Buckingham Road
7:29 Cornell Road at Orlando Drive
7:32 Haversham Drive at Downing Street
7:33 Haversham Drive at Chantilly Lane
7:34 1555 Picadilly at Chantilly Lane
7:36 5275 Thames Drive at Downing Street
7:38 954 Tihart Road
7:39 Van Atta Road at Tihart Road
7:40 5440 Van Atta Road
7:42 5488 Earliglow Lane
7:42 Strawberry Lane / Emily Lane
7:43 690 Emily Lane
7:44 Piper Road / Conrad Drive
7:45 173 Piper Road
7:48 248 Newman Road
7:50 4950 Meridian Road
7:51 5080 Meridian Road
7:51 5082 Meridian Road
7:57 175 Germany Road
7:59 5575 Meridian Road
8:00 Haslett Road at Copper Creek Drive
8:04 Ralya
8:10 Wilkshire
This bus goes to Ralya/WECC
Bus #3 - Driver: Natasha Justice (PM)
3:15 Ralya
3:18 Wilkshire
3:25 Cornell Road at Buckingham Road
3:25 Cornell Road at Orlando Drive
3:26 5434 Cornell Road
3:29 Haversham Drive at Downing Street
3:29 Haversham Drive at Chantilly Lane
3:30 1555 Picadilly at Chantilly Lane
3:32 5275 Thames Drive at Downing Street
3:35 954 Tihart Road
3:35 Van Atta Road at Tihart Road
3:36 5440 Van Atta Road
3:38 5488 Earliglow Lane
3:38 Strawberry Lane / Emily Lane
3:39 690 Emily Lane
3:40 Piper Road / Conrad Drive
3:41 173 Piper Road
3:43 136 East Newman Road
3:45 4950 Meridian Road
3:45 4996 Meridian Road
3:46 5080 Meridian Road
3:46 5082 Meridian Road
3:50 175 Germany Road
3:51 5222 Meridian Road
3:52 5575 Meridian Road
3:54 Haslett Road at Copper Creek Drive
This is a Ralya bus and shuttles for bus 8 and 15
Bus #4 - Driver: Janette Ratza (AM)
7:31 6313 Green Road
7:33 6387 Green Road
7:33 6462 Green Road
7:35 Missaukee Lane at Peacock Lane
7:36 9676 Missaukee Lane
7:36 9700 Missaukee Lane
7:36 Missaukee Lane at Rodman Lane
7:37 9850 Missaukee Lane
7:39 9380 Coleman Road
7:40 9187 Coleman Road
7:41 9169 Coleman Road
7:41 9134 Coleman Road
7:41 9066 Coleman Road
7:42 8755 Coleman Road
7:42 8756 Coleman Road
7:47 6375 East Reynolds Road
7:48 East Reynolds at Quail Street at Milenz Street
7:49 6235 East Lake Drive
7:49 6215 East Lake Drive
7:50 East Lake Drive at Hardy Drive
7:51 1217 Woodwind Trail
7:51 1135 Woodwind Trail
7:52 Woodwind Trail at Oakpark Trail
7:53 Woodwind Trail at Wild Ginger Trail
7:54 6190 Oakpark Trail
7:57 East Lake Drive at Hickory Island Street
8:00 Ralya
8:05 Murphy
8:10 Wilkshire
This bus goes to Ralya/WECC and shuttles for bus 2
Bus #4 - Driver: Janette Ratza (PM)
3:15 Ralya
3:18 Wilkshire
3:23 6188 Green Road
3:24 6313 Green Road
3:25 6387 Green Road
3:26 6462 Green Road
3:26 9890 Coleman Road
3:27 9791 Coleman Road
3:28 Missaukee Lane at Peacock Lane
3:29 9676 Missaukee Lane
3:29 9700 Missaukee Lane
3:30 Missaukee Lane at Rodman Lane
3:31 9850 Missaukee Lane
3:33 9380 Coleman Road
3:34 9187 Coleman Road
3:35 9169 Coleman Road
3:35 9134 Coleman Road
3:36 9066 Coleman Road
3:36 8998 Coleman Road
3:37 8755 Coleman Road
3:37 8756 Coleman Road
3:42 6375 East Reynolds Road
3:43 East Reynolds at Quail Street at Milenz Street
3:44 6235 East Lake Drive
3:44 6215 East Lake Drive
3:46 East Lake Drive at Hardy Drive
3:47 1217 Woodwind Trail
3:47 1135 Woodwind Trail
3:48 Woodwind Trail at Oakpark Trail
3:49 Woodwind Trail at Wild Ginger Trail
3:50 1093 Wild Ginger Trail
3:50 6190 Oakpark Trail
3:54 East Lake Drive at Hickory Island Street
This bus shuttles for bus 2
Bus #6 - Driver: Tammy Beckner (AM)
7:34 5603 Franklin Street
7:36 5706 Potter Street
7:37 5892 Potter Street
7:41 5682 Edson Street
7:44 Murphy
7:51 Marsh Road at Benson Hills (at CATA bus stop)
7:52 5587 Marsh Road
7:53 5465 Marsh Road
7:54 5474 Maple Ridge Road
7:57 1791 Nemoke Court (Cul de Sac)
8:05 Wilkshire
This bus goes to Murphy/WECC
This bus picks up K-1 students at CATA Bus Terminal/Benson Hills/Nemoke enroute to WECC
Bus #6 - Driver: Tammy Beckner (PM)
3:15 Murphy
3:16 Marsh Road at Benson Hills (at CATA bus stop)
3:19 Wilkshire
3:25 5706 Potter Street
3:26 5892 Potter Street
3:30 5682 Edson Street
3:32 1635 Lake Drive (Benson Hills)
3:34 Bayonne Avenue at Lyndhurst Way
3:36 5822 Montebello Avenue
3:36 Sherbrook Way at Beuna Parkway
3:38 5915 Bois Ile Drive
3:45 5587 Marsh Road
3:45 5465 Marsh Road
3:46 Rolling Hills Drive at Maple Ridge Road
3:47 5474 Maple Ridge Road
3:49 1791 Nemoke Court (Cul de Sac)
3:51 1765 Nemoke Trail ( Leasing Office)
3:53 5603 Franklin Street
This bus is a Murphy bus and makes a PM express stop at CATA Bus Terminal/Benson Hills enroute to WECC
Bus #8 - Driver: Nina VanBuren (AM)
7:26 Haslett Road at Benson Hills
7:28 2050 Haslett Road
7:29 2208 Haslett Road
7:31 Westminster Way at Kings Cross South
7:32 5812 Westminster Way at Kings Cross North
7:33 Barnsbury Road at Bent Tree Drive
7:33 2467 Barnsbury Road
7:34 2487 Barnsbury Road
7:35 Barnsbury Road at Kings Cross South
7:36 2390 Haslett Road
7:41 2381 Barnsbury Road
7:42 5957 Westminster Way at Barnsbury Way
7:43 5963 Everett Lane at Westminster
7:43 Everett Lane at Dickens Way
7:44 2371 Lake Lansing Road
7:46 Okemos Road at Cider Mill
7:47 2204 Raby Road
7:49 East End Drive at East End Circle
7:51 2423 Haslett Road
7:53 2229 Haslett Road
7:56 Raby Road at Wild Iris Lane
7:56 Raby Road at Star Flower Drive
7:58 2030 Raby Road
7:58 2125 Raby Road
7:59 Okemos Road at La Mer Lane
8:01 Lake Lansing Road at Village Drive
8:02 Murphy
8:10 Wilkshire
This bus goes to Murphy/WECC
Bus #8 - Driver: Nina VanBuren (PM)
3:18 Wilkshire
3:23 Haslett Road at Benson Hills
3:25 2050 Haslett Road
3:26 2208 Haslett Road
3:28 Westminster Way at Kings Cross South
3:28 5812 Westminster Way at Kings Cross North
3:29 Barnsbury Road at Bent Tree Drive
3:30 2467 Barnsbury Road
3:30 2487 Barnsbury Road
3:32 2390 Haslett Road
3:37 2381 Barnsbury Road
3:37 5957 Westminster Way at Barnsbury Way
3:38 5963 Everett Lane at Westminster Way
3:39 Everett Lane at Dickens Way
3:40 2371 Lake Lansing Road
3:41 Okemos Road at Cider Mill
3:42 2204 Raby Road
3:47 2319 Haslett Road
3:48 2229 Haslett Road
3:50 Raby Road at Wild Iris Lane
3:51 Raby Road at Star Flower Drive
3:52 2030 Raby Road
3:53 2125 Raby Road
3:53 Okemos Road at Lamer Lane
3:55 Lake Lansing Road at Village Drive
This bus goes directly to WECC
Bus #11 - Driver: Kim Anderson (AM)
7:37 Columbia Street at Perch Street
7:37 Columbia Street at Bliss Street
7:40 West Lake Drive at Randall Street
7:40 6414 West Lake Drive
7:42 Perry Road at Casandra Lane
7:42 7995 Ashbrook Drive
7:43 7970 Ashbrook Drive
7:44 Ashbrook Drive and Cedarbrook Drive
7:45 Forestview Drive at Meadowbrook
7:46 16936 Willowbrook Drive
7:47 16964 Marsh Road
7:48 1838 Towner Road
7:49 Royal Oak Drive at Wilder Street
7:51 Crest Street at Sunhollow Lane
7:52 Marsh Road at Pine Creek Circle
7:53 6141 Marsh Road
7:53 Marsh Road at Chamberlain Way
7:55 Murphy
8:00 Enrichment Center
8:03 Wilkshire
This bus goes to Murphy/WECC
Bus #11 - Driver: Kim Anderson (PM)
3:15 Murphy
3:18 Wilkshire
3:29 Columbia Street at Perch Street
3:30 Columbia Street at Bliss Street
3:32 6414 West Lake Drive
3:33 Perry Road at Casandra Lane
3:34 7995 Ashbrook Drive
3:34 7970 Ashbrook Drive
3:35 Ashbrook Drive and Cedarbrook Drive
3:36 Forestview Drive at Meadowbrook
3:37 16936 Willowbrook Drive
3:38 16964 Marsh Road
3:39 1838 Towner Road
3:40 Royal Oak Drive at Wilder Street
3:42 Crest Street at Sunhollow Lane
3:43 6141 Marsh Road
3:44 Marsh Road at Chamberlain Way
3:45 Balog Street at Hillcurve
This is a Murphy bus and shuttles for bus 8
Bus #12 - Driver: Heather Fancher (AM)
7:30 10346 Corcoran Road
7:31 10554 Corcoran Road
7:32 9877 State Road
7:32 9835 State Road
7:33 State Road at Peacock Road
7:35 8875 Old M-78
7:35 8847 Old M-78
7:38 8512 State Road
7:44 105 Amsterdam Avenue
7:47 Dutch Hills - Bergen Avenue at Brabant Court
7:49 Dutch Hills - West End
7:55 Ralya
8:03 Wilkshire
This bus goes to Ralya/WECC
Bus #12 - Driver: Heather Fancher (PM)
3:15 Ralya
3:18 Wilkshire
3:28 105 Amsterdam Avenue
3:31 Dutch Hills - Bergen Avenue at Brabant Court
3:33 Dutch Hills - West End
3:37 8512 State Road
3:49 10346 Corcoran Road
3:50 10554 Corcoran Road
3:51 9877 State Road
3:52 9835 State Road
3:53 State Road at Peacock Road
3:55 8875 Old M-78
3:55 8847 Old M-78
This is a Ralya bus
Bus #14 - Driver: Michael Hartsuff (AM)
7:27 Shoesmith Road / Summerfield Lane
7:27 175 Shoesmith Road
7:28 90 Shoesmith Road
7:31 850 Gulick Road
7:35 6494 Zimmer Road
7:40 1600 Barry Road
7:41 1487 Barry Road
7:42 1430 Barry Road
7:44 1140 Barry Road
7:45 865 Barry Road
7:45 819 Barry Road
7:48 88 Barry Road
7:48 63 Barry Road
7:53 Woodside Drive at Cliffdale Drive
7:54 1103 Woodside Drive
7:55 Silverleaf Court at Buckingham Road
7:56 White Ash Lane at Silverleaf Court
7:58 Buckingham Road at Teakwood Circle
7:59 1164 Buckingham Road
7:59 1192 Buckingham Road
8:00 Buckingham Road at Ventura Place
8:00 1210 Ascot Place
8:02 Ralya
8:10 Wilkshire
This bus goes to Ralya/WECC
Bus #14 - Driver: Michael Hartsuff (PM)
3:15 Ralya
3:18 Wilkshire
3:22 1210 Ascot Place
3:23 Buckingham Road at Ventura Place
3:23 1192 Buckingham Road
3:23 1164 Buckingham Road
3:24 Buckingham Road at Teakwood Circle
3:25 Silverleaf Court at Buckingham Road
3:26 White Ash Lane at Silverleaf Court
3:28 1103 Woodside Drive
3:29 Woodside Drive at Cliffdale Drive
3:32 Shoesmith Road / Summerfield Lane
3:33 175 Shoesmith Road
3:34 90 Shoesmith Road
3:36 850 Gulick Road
3:41 6494 Zimmer Road
3:46 1600 Barry Road
3:47 1487 Barry Road
3:48 1430 Barry Road
3:49 1140 Barry Road
3:50 865 Barry Road
3:51 819 Barry Road
3:54 212 Barry Road
3:54 88 Barry Road
3:55 63 Barry Road
This bus shuttles for bus 11 and 17
Bus #15 - Driver: Logan Southworth (AM)
7:32 7521 Coleman Road
7:33 7111 Coleman Road
7:34 6925 Coleman Road
7:35 6645 Coleman Road
7:35 16420 Sanctuary Circle
7:36 16540 Sanctuary Circle
7:37 6581 Brassie Shot Road
7:38 Brassie Shot Road at Broadview Drive
7:38 16548 Broadway Drive
7:39 6100 Coleman Road
7:42 16430 Park Lake Road (Oak Island)
7:46 16117 Park Lake Road
7:48 State Road at Pastoral Path
7:50 Center Road at Davis Lane
7:51 16313 Center Road
7:52 16550 Center Road
7:53 Coleman Road at Eunice Street
7:56 Murphy
8:04 Wilkshire
This bus goes to Murphy/Enrichment Center/WECC
Bus #15 - Driver: Logan Southworth (PM)
3:15 Murphy
3:18 Wilkshire
3:26 7111 Coleman Road
3:27 6925 Coleman Road
3:27 6645 Coleman Road
3:28 16420 Sanctuary Circle
3:28 16540 Sanctuary Circle
3:29 6631 Brassie Shot Road
3:29 6581 Brassie Shot Road
3:30 6550 Brassie Shot Road at Broadview Drive
3:30 Brassie Shot Road at Broadview Drive
3:31 6100 Coleman Road
3:33 16430 Park Lake Road (Oak Island)
3:36 16117 Park Lake Road
3:38 State Road at Pastoral Path
3:40 Center Road at Davis Lane
3:40 16313 Center Road
3:41 16550 Center Road
3:42 Coleman Road at Eunice Street
This is a Murphy bus and shuttles for bus 3
Bus #16 - Driver: Terrance Remus (AM)
7:36 16955 Marsh Road / Gilden Woods
7:38 7113 East Saginaw Street (Schmidt Realty)
7:40 Pine Hollow Drive at Heathfield Drive
7:41 Pine Hollow Drive at Bedford Lane
7:41 Pine Hollow Drive at Ridgepond Place
7:42 Pine Hollow Drive at Kernwood Road
7:43 2454 Pine Hollow Drive
7:47 Coleman Road at Maison Drive
7:47 Coleman Road at Tres Beau Lane
7:48 Coleman Road and Austin Way
7:49 Austin Way at Printemp Drive
7:49 Thorngate Road at Austin Way
7:50 16922 Thorngate Road
7:50 6500 Thorngate Road
7:53 Pine Hollow Drive at Bridgewater Circle
7:57 Murphy
8:04 Wilkshire
This bus goes to Murphy/WECC
Bus #16 - Driver: Terrance Remus (PM)
3:15 Murphy
3:18 Wilkshire
3:26 16955 Marsh Road / Gilden Woods
3:28 7113 East Saginaw Street (Schmidt Realty)
3:31 Pine Hollow Drive at Heathfield Drive
3:31 Pine Hollow Drive at Bedford Lane
3:32 Pine Hollow Drive at Ridgepond Place
3:33 Pine Hollow Drive at Kernwood Road
3:33 2454 Pine Hollow Drive
3:38 Coleman Road at Maison Drive
3:38 Coleman Road at Tres Beau Lane
3:39 Coleman Road and Austin Way
3:40 Austin Way at Printemp Drive
3:41 Thorngate Road at Austin Way
3:41 16922 Thorngate Road
3:45 Pine Hollow Drive at Bridgewater Circle
This is a Murphy bus and shuttles for bus 1 and 14
Bus #17 - Driver: Beverly Lillrose (AM)
7:32 Lake Lansing Road at Martinus Street
7:33 Lake Lansing Road at Harvey Street
7:33 Lake Lansing Road at Cypress Street
7:35 5981 East Sleepy Hollow Lane
7:35 5963 East Sleepy Hollow Lane
7:36 5901 East Sleepy Hollow Lane
7:40 Pine Hollow Drive at English Oak Drive
7:41 6724 English Oak Drive at Black Walnut Lane
7:42 6760 English Oak Drive at Broadview Drive
7:43 16958 Broadview Drive
7:44 6804 English Oak Drive
7:44 16921 Broadview Drive
7:45 Broadview Drive at English Oak Drive
7:45 Broadview Drive at White Clover Drive
7:46 Periwinkle Drive at Sundew Circle
7:48 16740 Nichols Road
7:48 16784 Nichols Road
7:49 16840 Nichols Road
7:51 Sleepy Hollow at Fresno
7:51 Sleepy Hollow Lane at Sacramento Way
7:52 Sacramento Way at Marietta Way
7:53 Marietta Way at Isaac Lane
7:54 Murphy
8:00 Ralya
8:05 Wilkshire
This is a shuttle bus that goes to Murphy/Ralya/WECC
Bus #17 - Driver: Beverly Lillrose (PM)
3:15 Murphy
3:18 Wilkshire
3:23 Enrichment Center
3:25 Lake Lansing Road at Martinus Street
3:25 Lake Lansing Road at Harvey Street
3:26 Lake Lansing Road at Cypress Street
3:27 Murphy
3:31 5981 East Sleepy Hollow Lane
3:31 5963 East Sleepy Hollow Lane
3:33 5901 East Sleepy Hollow Lane
3:34 Isaac Lane at Marietta Way
3:35 Marietta Way at Sacramento Way
3:36 Sacramento Way at Sleepy Hollow Lane
3:37 Sleepy Hollow Lane at Fresno
3:40 6724 English Oak Drive at Black Walnut Lane
3:41 6760 English Oak Drive at Broadview Drive
3:42 16958 Broadview Drive
3:42 6804 English Oak Drive
3:43 16921 Broadview Drive
3:44 Broadview Drive at English Oak Drive
3:45 Broadview Drive at White Clover Drive
3:46 Periwinkle Drive at Sundew Circle
3:47 16740 Nichols Road
3:48 16784 Nichols Road
3:49 16840 Nichols Road
This bus shuttles for bus 12