What is Child Find?
Child Find states that school districts are required to conduct child-find activities as stated by the IDEA regulations in Part B (§ 300.111) and Part C (§§ 303.302 and 303.303). In accordance with the IDEA and state law, districts must identify and evaluate children and youth from birth through age 25 who need early intervention services or special education services.
The Early On® program in Michigan conducts statewide child find activities for Part C. This means finding children from birth to age three who need early intervention services. Early On also helps manage and coordinate early intervention services for eligible children. Some of these children may also be entitled to special education programs and services, as mandated by Michigan law. The OSE works with Early On to identify and provide services to children who are eligible for both early intervention services and special education services. Part B child find requirements are for children and youth ages 3 through 21.
School districts often use school-based activities to locate and identify school-aged children. However, school-based activities fail to address the preschool population. Community-based activities can be effective for finding children who are not yet in school. To address this need, the OSE created Build Up Michigan to help locate and identify children ages 3 through 5 who are eligible for special education programs and services.
What Does a Child Find evaluation through the school look like?
A team, specializing in the areas of concern, works with the parents and child through evaluations to determine eligibility for Special Education Services.
The Child Find Team could include the following highly qualified specialists:
- Teacher Consultant
- Speech/Language Pathologist
- School Psychologist
- School Social Worker
- Occupational Therapist
- Physical Therapist
Developmental Guide For Toddlers to Pre-School-Aged Children
By 1 year: Pulls self to standing; may step with support. Gives toy on request. Picks things up with thumb and one finger. Stacks two blocks. Follows simple directions accompanied by gestures. Gives affection. May say 2 or 3 words.
By 2 Years: Kicks large ball. Turns pages (1 at a time). Identifies 6 body parts. Imitates housework. Asks for items by name. Uses 2 or 3 words together, such as more juice.
By 3 Years: Walks upstairs. Stands momentarily on one foot. Uses utensils to feed self. Copies a circle. Uses short sentences to relate experiences. Matches colors. Demonstrates interest in toilet training.
By 4 Years: Rides a tricycle. Is toilet trained. Copies a cross. Names 6 basic colors. Can wait for turn. Begins to play with other children. Washes hands unassisted. Uses sentences.