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Volunteer for Haslett Public Schools

Volunteer for Haslett Public Schools


Raised hands

Thank you for your interest in volunteering in our schools.  Haslett takes great pride in providing an excellent education for all students from Kindergarten through 12th grade.  The extensive involvement of volunteers throughout the years has contributed greatly to the success of our schools and our students.

There are many ways in which you can make a difference in the lives of our students.  Volunteer opportunities exist in the classrooms working directly with teachers and students, chaperoning field trips, assisting at recess or at lunch time, or helping out at a PTO function, booster activity, or extracurricular event.  Volunteering can be very rewarding - which is why many of our volunteers return year after year.

A background check is required for volunteers who work one-on-one with students, accompany students on overnight activities, supervise students in an activity with limited oversight by school staff, and/or work with student athletes.

Per Board Policy # 3120.09, volunteers must complete a Volunteer Background Check/ICHAT.  The Superintendent and/or their designee will review the information, complete the background check (which may take 2-5 business days), and notify the building principal of your approval to volunteer. 

We appreciate your willingness to help the Haslett Public School District continue its tradition of providing a quality education for our students.

Guidelines for School Volunteers

  • Complete the Volunteer Background Check/ICHAT online form.
  • Work under the direction of school staff, recognizing that instructing, supervising, and disciplining students are staff responsibilities.
  • Work in collaboration with staff to plan volunteer activities.  When possible, staff will match volunteer talents with assigned tasks.
  • Communicate with designated staff to ensure clear expectations, task assignments, and feedback on volunteer activities.
  • Follow Code of Conduct defined by Haslett School Board Policy, including:
    - serve as a role model
    - respect the dignity of students and adults with whom you work
    - maintain a high level of integrity
    - maintain confidentiality regarding student manners
    - avoid any conflict of interest
    - maintain appropriate adult/student relationships