School Improvement
School Improvement Plans:
Each school building, as well as the district, has a School Improvement Plan. These plans are updated annually, and student goals are reviewed, monitored, and evaluated by building teams and departments.
School Improvement Plans consist of a Mission Statement; measurable goals in the core content areas of reading, writing, mathematics, social studies, and science; evidence of need; outcomes; strategies and activities. The plan also consists of professional development opportunities to support each goal.
The decision-making process at the building and district levels consists of examining achievement data and gathering input from staff and parents. Student input is also sought through student organizations, small group meetings, and surveys.
Four Critical Goals
Haslett Public Schools supports and expects all students to:
1. Improve and enhance skills in the core academic areas of science, social studies, mathematics, and language areas of science, social studies, mathematics, and language arts.
2. Become technologically literate
3. Develop patterns of behavior based on the core values of respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, and citizenship
4. Accept and appreciate diversity.
School Annual Report
Each year, Haslett Public Schools publishes a district calendar which highlights our school improvement plans and achievement data. Haslett's Annual Education Report (AER) provides key information on the educational progress for our district and our schools each year and is available on our district website ( A copy of the AER is also available and may be reviewed in the principal's office at your child's school. The Assistant Superintendent for Haslett Schools or your child's building principal, may be contacted for assistance in interpreting the posted information.
The report contains:
• Student Assessment Data (MEAP, MME, and MI-Access)
• Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) status of the district and each of our schools
• Teacher Quality Data
• State of Michigan NAEP Data
Our District Annual School Calendar provides much of the same information as the AER. Copies are available for each of our families at the beginning of the school year.