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K-5 MTSS Learning Objectives and Strategies

A.) By analyzing trend data and evaluating program effectiveness, teachers will be able to implement necessary changes to core curriculum and intervention programs to improve student achievement in reading and math.

Strategy 1: District-wide Analysis

  1. Analyze trend data to measure overall district performance.
  2. Evaluate the effectiveness of core reading and math programs.
  3. Based on data analysis, plan system-level instructional changes to core curriculum as needed.

Strategy 2: Building-wide Analysis

  1. Evaluate the effectiveness of core reading and math programs at each grade level.
  2. Determine which students need which types of intervention (strategic and/or intensive).
  3. Determine which instructional programs are needed for strategic and intensive intervention. Analyze data to evaluate the effectiveness of core curriculum and intervention programs, and to determine and implement necessary changes to improve student achievement in reading and math.

B.) Improve reading skills by organizing students in small groups for targeted instruction 4-5 times each week, led by an MTSS Coach or trained paraprofessional, and monitor closely to measure progress and adjust student groupings.

Strategies for Strategic and Intensive Reading Instruction

  1. Organize students in small groups of 2-6 children.
  2. Schedule 30-minute sessions 4-5 times each week.
  3. Utilize MTSS Coach or a trained paraprofessional to lead the sessions.
  4. Target instruction based on Acadience results, teacher input, and classroom assessments.
  5. Maintain flexibility to adjust groups based on student progress.
  6. Monitor student progress.The objective is to improve reading skills by organizing students in small groups for targeted instruction 4-5 times each week, led by an MTSS Coach or trained paraprofessional, and monitored closely to measure progress and adjust student groupings.

C.) Improve reading skills by organizing students in small groups for targeted instruction 4-5 times each week, led by an MTSS Coach or trained paraprofessional, and monitor closely to measure progress and adjust student groupings.

Strategies for Strategic and Intensive Math Instruction

  • Organize small groups of 2-6 children.
  • Schedule 4-5 sessions per week, with each session lasting 30 minutes.
  • Utilize an MTSS Coach or a trained paraprofessional to lead the sessions.
  • Base targeted instruction on Acadience results, teacher input, and classroom assessments.
  • Maintain flexible groups based on student progress.
  • Monitor the progress of students receiving intensive instruction twice per month.

Printable Flowchart Representations of Interventions