Kids Connection Childcare Program: Parent Handbook
- Program Coordination
- Program Philosophy and Goals
- Hours/ Locations
- Enrollment Procedures
- Scheduling
- Tuition Rates
- Payment Schedule
- No-School Day Registration
- Inclement Weather Policy
- Signing In/Out Procedures
- Extra Curricular Activities
- Toys, Electronics and Possessions
- Snacks/Food
- Absences/Illnesses
- Parent Communication
- Visiting/Volunteering
- Discipline Procedures
- Summer Kids Connection Program
Program Coordination
Welcome to Haslett Kids Connection!
Kids Connection Childcare offers before and after school care to students Kindergarten-5th grade located at each elementary building. In addition to our school year services, we offer childcare on select school breaks and a full-day program during the summer months.
This handbook is intended to inform you of the purpose, philosophy, goals and values of the program.
For further information contact:
Haslett Community Education
1590 Franklin Street
Haslett, MI 48840
Mr. Gregory Daza
Director, Childcare Programs
Phone: (517)339-2665 Ext. 2202
Program Philosophy and Goals
We believe that each child is unique and has specific, individual needs. It is our priority to provide a high quality program for your family that includes:
- A safe, nurturing environment for your child
- Dependable childcare, convenient location and reasonable costs.
- Activities which encourage your child’s social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development, as well as to complement and enhance the school day program.
- An open communication system that fosters a positive link between home and school.
Implementation and guidance of the Haslett core values system in our interactions with children and parents. The core values are:
- Care
- Responsibility
- Respect
- Trust
- Fairness
- Citizenship
Hours/ Locations
During the school year all Kids Connection sites will be open before school from 7:00 AM until the start of school and after school from dismissal until 6:00 PM. When open for school breaks/summer Kids Connection will be open from 7:00 AM until 6:00 PM daily.
Wilkshire Kids Connection Murphy Kids Connection Ralya Kids Connection Community Education Kids Connection |
*Each site is staffed with a Head Teacher and Childcare Aides. Kids Connection strives to provide a ratio 1 (Teacher) :12 (Students) at all times. Depending upon the planned activities, the ratio may vary.*
*The ratio for all school-aged children set forth by the State of Michigan Department of Human Services is 1:18.*
Enrollment Procedures
Children who attend Kindergarten through 5th grade and reside within the boundaries of the Haslett School District, or who have chosen to attend a school within the district, are eligible to participate in the Kids Connection program.
Throughout the year, parents can enroll their child(ren) in the program as long as there are available spots. Enrollment is based on a first-come, first-served basis. Parents must commit to a consistent weekly schedule for their child, regardless of their attendance. Childcare fees are charged based on enrollment, not attendance, including family vacations.
In order to enroll your child(ren) you must complete the online enrollment on the Haslett Public Schools website. This can be found online under Departments, Community Education, Kids Connection-Child Care then Kids Connection School Year Registration. Upon submitting, the Child Care Director will reach out within 1-3 business days regarding program availability.
Additional required paperwork will be sent out via email that will have to be completed prior to starting. Once this paperwork is received your child(ren) start date will be the two business days after.
Haslett Kids Connection requires a set schedule for before/after school or a combination of both. Priority is given to those in need of full time Monday thru Friday. Set part time schedules will be accepted as space permits.
If your child inadvertently comes to Kids Connection on a non-scheduled day, the parents will be notified. If parents choose to leave their child in childcare and space permits, it will be billed as an added day.
Permanent Schedule Change
If it becomes necessary to make a permanent change to your child’s schedule, a two-week notice is required. For this situation, kindly send an email to the Childcare Director. There will be an additional $5.00 schedule change fee added to your account.
Late Pick Up
Kids Connection sites close at 6:00 P.M. children who are picked up after that time are considered late pick-ups.
A fee of $15.00 for any part of the first fifteen minutes and $15.00 for any part of each additional fifteen minutes will be charged for occurrences one - four. Occurrences five – ten, the fee will increase to $25.00 for any part of 15 minutes. More than 10 late pick-ups, the fee will increase to $35.00 for any part of 15 minutes, with a possibility of loss of child care.
NOTE: Parents that consistently disregard the established drop off and pick up times may have childcare discontinued.
Added Days
If it becomes necessary to add a day to your child’s schedule in which they do not normally attend.. For this situation, kindly send an email to the Childcare Director. All added days are billed $2.00 more than the normal rate.
Withdrawal Policy
A two-week written notice is required when withdrawing a child/children from the program. Parents are responsible for payment during the two weeks whether or not the child attends.
Kids Connection reserves the right at any time to suspend or withdraw a child due to inappropriate or difficult behavior.
All belongings (including medications) of the child must be collected when withdrawing. After withdrawal, the Kids Connection program will not be responsible for uncollected belongings or medications.
Tuition Rates
Registration Fee (Non-Refundable - Due at Enrollment) . .$45.00/ child or $75.00/family
Re-Enrollment Fee (same school year/per child). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00
Before School Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.90 per day
After School Care (includes snack). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.90 per day
Added Days. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . additional $2.00 per session
Full Days (7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $43.00 per day
Field Trip Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.00 per trip
Sibling Discount: If more than one child in a family attends the Kids Connection program, rates are reduced by 25% for the second child. The discount will be given to the child in the program that has the lower fee.
Late Payments: $15.00
Schedule Change: $5.00
Payment Schedule
Tuition must be paid before services are provided. Tuition bills are added to your Procare account ledger on the 15th of each month, or on the first business day following if the 15th falls on a weekend. After the tuition has been applied to your account ledger, the Childcare Director will send an email notification.
Payments can be made online at, through the Procare app, by stopping at the Community Education Office or calling during business hours.
Tuition payments are due by the first of each month. Payments received after that time have the potential of a $15.00 late fee being added to their bill. Billing periods that fall during holiday breaks may vary slightly.
**Families who fail to pay their childcare tuition on time may face the discontinuation of their childcare services.**
Custody Situations
In cases where the non-custodial parent is not allowed to have contact with the child(ren), the Kids Connection program will need a copy of the divorce decree or restraining order. The program needs to be notified of any changes in custody arrangements. Financial information will only be released to the parent signing the enrollment forms.
No-School Day Registration
To participate in Haslett Public Schools Kids Connection Program during non-school days, a separate registration is required. Before each no-school day, the Childcare Director will send an email notification indicating that registration is open. This email will contain a Google form that must be completed to secure your child's spot in the program for that day.
No tuition refunds will be given for canceling once you have registered. Please refer to the Kids Connection School Year Calendar for dates in which childcare will be provided for the school year.
Inclement Weather Policy
When Haslett Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather days, (i.e. snow days, utility emergencies etc.) Kids Connection programs will also be closed. To enable childcare staff to be paid for inclement weather days each year, tuition refunds will NOT be given for the first six days of inclement weather.
Signing In/Out Procedures
Parents are REQUIRED to accompany their young child(ren) (kindergarten and first graders) into their childcare site each morning and sign them in. Older children may sign themselves in unaccompanied.
Parents are REQUIRED to sign their child out at the end of the day. Children will only be released to parents or persons authorized on the emergency card to pick up the child. The purpose of these restrictions is for the protection and safety of all the children in the program.
Parents can conveniently sign in and out daily using the Procare App by scanning their Kids Connection location's unique QR code. These QR codes are strategically located at each site for easy access and added convenience.
NOTE: An identification check will be done on unfamiliar adults (including parents) picking up a child.
Extra Curricular Activities
For the staff to authorize a child's departure from a Kids Connection program for extracurricular activities like soccer, basketball, and enrichment classes, parents must complete and submit a release form. The form relieves Kids Connection of responsibility during that particular time in which the child is absent from Kids Connection. Please contact the Childcare Director if this form is needed.
Toys, Electronics and Possessions
Kids Connection Strongly discourages students from bringing toys and personal items to school. The exception to this request would be for the child’s “sharing time”. When personal items are brought to school by a child, the school will not be responsible or liable when items are lost, stolen, traded, damaged, or broken.
Students participating in the Before-School/Full Day program will be served a light breakfast. Additionally, children enrolled in the After-School/Full Day program will receive a daily snack consisting of a beverage and a nutritious food item.
Children are required to bring a non-perishable lunch on full day childcare days.
To ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all, it is crucial that you inform the staff if your child has any food allergies or special dietary requirements. Children’s allergies should be noted on the individual emergency cards.
A list of allergies will be compiled and posted in a prominent place for staff members to see. In such cases, alternative snacks will be provided to accommodate their needs and ensure their well-being
Tuition fees for children are calculated based on enrollment rather than attendance. Accordingly, parents are obligated to pay the agreed-upon fees regardless of their child's presence at school. If a child experiences an extended illness and will be out for several days contact the Child Care Director.
To inform the Child Care Director about your child's illness, you can either email them or call the Community Education office. If your child falls ill during school hours, or if you forget to notify us in advance, the Head Teachers at each site will check with the office before dismissal to confirm any absences.
Children should be kept at home if any of the following occurs:
- The child has a temperature of 101°F (without fever reducing medication).
- The child has been on antibiotics for less than 24 hours.
- The child has been vomiting during the last 24 hours.
- The child has had diarrhea during the last 24 hours.
- The child has a thick green mucus discharge.
If a child becomes unwell during their time at Kids Connection, the Head Teacher will assess the situation and determine whether the child is too sick to remain in the program. In such cases, the parents will be promptly notified by phone regarding the child's symptoms and will be expected to collect their child. During this interim period, the child will be isolated in a designated quiet area under the supervision of staff members.
Communicable Diseases
A child should not attend Kids Connection if he/she has a communicable disease; (i.e. pink eye, chicken pox, strep throat, head lice, unidentified rash, etc.)
To safeguard the health and well-being of your child and others within our community, Kids Connection requires the reporting of communicable diseases. By promptly informing us, parents can be alerted if their children may have been exposed. To ensure the safety of all, Kids Connection reserves the right to request a medical note from a doctor confirming that the child is no longer contagious.
Medication Policy
For every medication (prescription or over-the-counter) administered during care, a Medication Permission and Instruction Form must be completed.
Prescription medication to be given at school must be delivered by the parent/guardian in a container as prepared by a pharmacy, physician, or pharmaceutical company with a printed label specifying:
a. The child’s full name
b. The name of the medication and the dosage
c. The time of day medication should be administered, and
d. The name of the physician
A written record of any medication administration will be kept on file.
Signed consent for staff or child(ren) to apply topical, non-prescription medication must be provided by the parent/guardian. This includes any of the following: sunscreen, insect repellent, chapstick, lotion etc. If the parent/guardian has not complied with these guidelines they will be contacted to come to school and administer the medication.
Minor Injury Notice
Upon picking up, parents will receive a Minor Incident form detailing any minor incidents involving their child. This form will include a description of the incident, as well as any interactions between teachers and the child related to the injury. Additionally, depending on the severity of the injury and the child's reaction, staff may make a phone call to the parents after the incident occurs.
Emergency Care
In situations where a child requires immediate medical attention, parents will be promptly notified. If, for any reason, the parents cannot be reached, the individuals listed on the emergency contact card will be contacted without delay.
In situations where none of the designated contacts can be reached and the situation is critical, the child will be transported to either the hospital indicated on the child's emergency card or the nearest available medical facility for immediate medical attention.
If an ambulance or medical treatment is needed, the parent or the parent’s insurance is responsible for payment of such services.
Parent Communication
Each site displays daily schedules, including breakfast and snack menus.
Parent to Staff Communications
Through the Procare app's messaging feature, parents can engage in direct communication with staff members. Additionally, the Child Care director will periodically send out emails to provide updates and information regarding the Kids Connection Program.
If you ever have any direct questions or concerns, please contact your child’s Site Head Teacher or the Child Care Director.
Stay up-to-date with Kids Connection activities through our bi-monthly newsletter, distributed by the Child Care Director. Ensure you read each issue, as it contains crucial information for you. The newsletter may include:
- Reminders of school procedures
- Upcoming events on the school calendar
- Changes in procedures
- New staff introductions
- Informational updates on center activities.
Parents are invited and highly encouraged to visit their child's site. To ensure minimal disruption to daily routines and group activities, arrangements should be made in advance with the respective Head Teacher. Volunteers are closely supervised by Kids Connection employees and never left alone with children.
Discipline Procedures
Every effort will be made to modify inappropriate student behavior by using these procedures as well as through parent communication and involvement. Kids Connection reserves the right to suspend or withdraw a child at any time due to inappropriate or difficult behaviors.
Racial and sexual intimidations are serious misdemeanors and will be dealt with according to the building’s discipline policy. When a student or staff member believes they have been racially or sexually intimidated, either verbally or physically, they should bring this information to a teacher, principal, or supervisor immediately so that an investigation may take place.
If the behavior is between two students, the following guidelines shall be utilized:
- The students involved should report the incident to the office or administration, in addition to the classroom teacher at the elementary level.
- Parents of all students involved shall be notified in a timely fashion.
- Consequences will be determined individually, based on the circumstances, prior infractions of the students, and other relevant factors.
- Students will be given the option of talking to the school counselor or another significant school individual.
We have an expectation of mutual respect between staff and students, and our Board of Education and Administration will not tolerate intimidation, harassment, or bullying, at any level.
Summer Kids Connection Program
Children who will be entering kindergarten through entrance to the sixth grade in the upcoming fall school year are eligible to attend the summer childcare program. This program offers full-time (weekly) or part-time (daily) childcare during the summer.
Children throughout the area are eligible to attend the school age summer program; however, priority is given to children who are residents of the Haslett Public School District.
At the time of registration, parents will commit to a summer schedule for their child and will be billed according to that schedule. Parents will be billed for those sessions whether or not the child attends.
Payments for the month of June must be received no later than three business days before the start of the summer program. Tuition for the months of July and August are due on July 1st and August 1st, respectively.
See Kids Connection Tuition Rates for specific fees.
Location/ Hours of Operation
All the children participating in the summer program will be located at the Community Education Building. The children will be divided into groups by age.
First day of the summer program will always begin the following Monday after the last day of school. The site will be open Monday – Friday from 7:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. Kids Connection will be closed Thursday and Friday the week before school starts.
Weekly Activities
Each week there will be a wide range of activities including , arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor physical activities, music and field trips. Main camp activities are normally scheduled between 9:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
Every week, Kids Connection will organize either a field trip or an on-site presentation. Parents will receive advance notification about the location and time of these events. The cost of the field trip or presentation will be included in the monthly tuition bill. If a parent prefers not to have their child participate in the scheduled field trip, they are responsible for making alternative care arrangements..
Swimming/Water Day
Supervised swimming for those children able to pass the swim test entering grades 2nd – 6th will be available at the Haslett High School pool depending on availability. Lifeguards will be on duty during this time. Grades K – 1st and non-swimmers will use sprinklers at the site each day. Please make sure your child brings a labeled swimsuit and towel every day. Please be sure that swimsuits and towels are taken home daily.
Starting at 7:00 A.M. and ending at 8:15 A.M., a light breakfast will be provided. Additionally, children will receive a snack during the mid-morning and mid-afternoon hours daily. These nutritious meals include a beverage and a food item.
Kids Connection will provide milk for lunch daily. On Fridays, children will enjoy pizza for lunch, courtesy of Kids Connection. Please pack a non-perishable lunch for your child on all days except Fridays.
It is extremely important that you notify the staff if your child suffers from any food allergies or has special dietary needs; alternate snacks will be provided for these children.
To ensure children's comfort and participation in daily activities, they should wear attire suitable for the prevailing weather conditions. Clothing should be both casual and comfortable, allowing freedom of movement.
To prepare for unexpected weather changes or accidents, it is recommended to pack a complete change of clothes in their backpack each day. This additional set of clothing ensures that children have the necessary items to maintain their comfort and hygiene throughout the school day.