Facility Use Policy and Rates
Facility Use Policy and Rates
According to the philosophy of community education, the Board will encourage the utilization of district buildings and district grounds by properly organized and responsible groups. Such use of any district facility or district grounds, however, will not interfere with the daily school student routine or any school-sponsored activity. To ensure fairness and consistency in the implementation of board policy governing use of school facilities, the following categories have been established to determine priorities. A fee schedule applies to approved users when appropriate.
CATEGORY I: K-12 Program Activities
School-affiliated groups are defined as those whose activities directly relate to regular or extracurricular programs and will be granted first priority Fees for Category 1: For occasional use during usual hours of operations, no charges will be assessed. The customary overtime costs for labor may apply and be charged to the user group when custodial personnel are required beyond their normal work schedule. All overtime cost must receive prior approval from the building principal and Director of operations. Charges for these groups will be limited to costs incurred for extraordinary activities involving prolonged set-up, use and clean-up, and special services (i.e. security, etc.) associated with major district-wide fundraising activities.
CATEGORY II: Community Education Programs/School Affiliated Programs Community Groups/Approved School Business Partnerships
Community Education programs solely or jointly administered by the Board of Education will be granted second (2nd) priority to available school district space and facilities. In addition, school-related parent groups (Parent-Teacher Organization, Parent Council, Music Boosters, Athletic Boosters, and HYRA), scouts, and businesses who are in an approved school-business partnership will be granted second (2nd) priority. Homeowners Associations and Service Organizations will be granted occasional use at no charge, with the exception of the use of Gyms, Pool, and Auditoriums. Charges for use of these facilities (which can be waived at the discretion of the school district) will be assessed at the Category 3 rate. Fees for Category 2: For occasional use during usual hours of operation, no charges will be assessed. The customary overtime cost for labor shall apply and be charged to the user group when custodial personnel are required beyond their normal work schedule. All overtime cost must receive prior approval from the building principal and Director of Buildings and Grounds. In addition, requests for permits for extraordinary activities involving prolonged setups, kitchen use and clean-up, and/or special services (security) shall require an additional fee.
CATEGORY III: Community Businesses/Informal Groups/Other Organizations
Haslett community businesses, informal groups, and other community organizations with at least 50% of participants residing in the Haslett School District will be granted third (3rd) priority. Community groups are defined as governmental agencies or groups made up of at least seven (7) actual district residents providing civic, educational, or cultural activities. Examples of Category 3 use include, but are not necessarily limited to, meetings, performances, seminars, and recreational gym use. Fees for Category 3: The attached fee schedule will apply.
CATEGORY IV: For Profit or Commercial Businesses defined as private, for-profit businesses, vendors or entrepreneurs, and Churches
Commercial enterprises are defined as organizations or businesses that operate for profit as determined by Haslett Public School District authorities. Residential commercial enterprises are those located in the Haslett School district. Community churches are also included in this category. Please note that rates for residential versus non-residential commercial businesses differ. These groups will be granted 4th priority. Fees for Category 4: The attached fee schedule will apply.
General Provisions for Public Use of Haslett Public Schools District Facilities
1. Application
a. Reservations for public use of school facilities may only be made after school-sponsored activities have been officially scheduled. Reservations for public use of school facilities for the upcoming/current school year will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis beginning the third Monday of August.
b. Parties requesting use of facilities must obtain an Application for Use of School Facility from the Community Education office. The form must be completed in cooperation with a representative from the Community Education office and signed by an officer of the applying organization or by one to whom the authority to sign the application has been delegated. If the application is on behalf of an informal group, an adult member of the group who will be present at the time of facility use and plans to be the responsible party must sign.
c. Applications for the use of space shall originate with responsible organizations or adult individuals, and in no case will those who have been granted permits assign, transfer, sublet, or charge a fee to others for the use of school property.
d. Completed applications for facility use should be submitted at least 7 workdays prior to the date of use.
e. The Supervisor of Enrichment and Recreation or his or her designee will contact the school building/principal as necessary to determine availability and building capabilities regarding the use of a school facility.
f. The Supervisor of Enrichment and Recreation or his or her designee will approve or deny the use of school facilities and the fees charged on the basis of the Board of Education's policy and availability of facilities.
2. Limitations On Usage
a. For eligible categories, the use of specially designated areas, swimming pools, fields, food-service areas, music rooms, and Performing Arts Center will require the service of an appropriate Haslett Schools staff person (for example, qualified lifeguards and custodial personnel). Technicians must be available when using the Performing Arts Center. Food-service staff must be available when kitchen equipment is being used. By state law, a qualified pool operator and certified lifeguard must be on duty when a pool is being used.
b. School facilities are not available for religious, partisan political meetings, or meetings of similar nature when classes are scheduled.
c. Persons or groups who practice discrimination based on race, sex, color, national origin, handicap, or age under the law will not be granted permission to use Haslett Schools’ facilities.
d. Facilities are not available for the following uses:
i. Private classes for the instruction of children unless such classes are deemed by the superintendent as suitable supplement to the regular instructional program and unless the charges, qualifications of teachers, and quality of instruction conform to standards set by the superintendent or his/her designee
ii. Any other instruction for which a charge is made unless it is part of program under the school authority or some approved public or community agency, or unless the charge is made solely to meet the expenses incidental to the instruction
iii. Any use engendering racial or religious prejudices or for any other purpose inimical to our democratic way of life
3. Equipment Requests
When submitting a facility use request, users must designate equipment needed. Requests for school-owned equipment are not included in the direct or indirect cost and shall be charged based on request and type of equipment. The fee structure for equipment is attached.
Requirements for Public Use of Haslett Public Schools District Facilities
1. Users must take reasonable steps to ensure orderly behavior and employ school-approved security personnel when the district deems necessary. Adults must directly supervise all youth. The user will be fully responsible for all loss or damage to school property, including property of pupils and employees.
2. Organizations or groups will be required to pay a fee for rental of the facility and for cost of activities, custodial services, security, food service employees, PAC technician, and lifeguards according to the fee structure. Those requesting building use will be responsible for payment for all costs incurred, including the cost per hour charged for the use of the facility.
3. The school district requires full payment of facility-use fees upon approval of facility. Holders of permits may cancel by giving 48-hour notice. Otherwise, permit holders will be held responsible for any costs incurred.
4. Programs and activities of users must be of a nature suitable for presentations in a public school, must be lawful, and must conform to all of the policies of the Board of Education.
5. Use of Performing Arts Center (PAC), kitchen facilities, additional furniture, and equipment must be arranged for in advance. Arrangements must be made with the Facilities Coordinator for use of any special or extra equipment. Extra compensation paid employees for moving, operating, or supervising special or extra equipment will be charged to the using group. User group will be charged according to the personnel rate section, which can be found on page 5.
6. Due to a pre-existing contract, only CokeTM products may be served/sold on school grounds.
7. Food service personnel shall be required when facility users request the use of kitchen facilities and/or equipment. Use of food and beverages is limited to approved areas.
8. Commercial users must provide proof of liability insurance where warranted. Speakers or performers may sell their work (CDs, books, etc.) for their own personal gain, but not to the benefit of the user group.
9. Users of school facilities are required to bring a copy of their facility-use agreement at the time of the building usage to serve as verification of reservation.
10. School facilities are not available to religious groups, partisan political meetings, or meetings of similar nature during the school day.
Regulations for Public Use of Haslett Public Schools District Facilities
1. The Board reserves the right to demand sufficient time for full investigation, notice, and arrangements of all requests for the use of school facilities. The Board reserves first claim to the use of its own property. Cancellations may be ordered by the school authorities with or without due notice. All approvals are granted with this understanding. Individuals requesting the use of school facilities will be responsible for payment for all costs incurred, including the cost per hour charged for the use of the facility.
2. The Board of Education reserves the right not to charge a group for use of district buildings and district grounds.
3. Persons or groups who practice discrimination based on race, sex, color, national origin, handicap, or age under the law will not be granted permits. Additionally, persons or groups whose activities or programs are determined to be illegal or inappropriate for presentation in public school buildings or on public school sites will not be granted permits.
4. Use of tobacco products in a school building and/or on school grounds is prohibited by Board policy, state, and by federal law. All users are responsible for complying with this regulation.
5. Alcoholic beverages and controlled substances will not be permitted on school property at any time.
6. Decorations must be fireproof and will be erected and taken down in a manner that does not destroy school property. Decorations are subject to the approval of the building administrator. The use of open flames, such as candles, is permitted only with written permission from the fire marshal, which must be obtained from the community education office.
7. The use of any materials on floors or other parts of the building is strictly prohibited without specific approval from the Director of Operations.
8. Groups are expected to leave facilities as they were before the activity. The custodian will render custodial assistance as needed and will be responsible for seeing that the facility or facilities are left in good order after the activity is over.
9. Corridors, exits, and stairways must be free of obstructions at all times. Exits are to be lighted when facilities are in use. Members of an audience, or spectators, must never stand or sit so they block exits, stairways, or aisleways.
10. The school district will not be responsible for the loss of valuables or personal property.
11. Games of chance are subject to state licensing.
12. Permits under the policy are not transferable, and, in no case, will those who have been granted permits assign, sublet, or charge a fee to others for the use of school property.
13. Responsibility for enforcement of rules and regulations concerning the use of school facilities rests with the user group, and any infractions of the above regulations may be grounds for refusing to grant subsequent requests.
14. The superintendent reserves the right to grant the use of facilities under special circumstances not covered by these regulations.
Haslett Public Schools Facility Use Policy
Facilities | Categories 1 & 2 | Category 3 | Commercial | Commercial |
Classrooms | No Charge | 15.00 | 22.50 | 30.00 |
Library - Elementary | No Charge | 25.00 | 37.50 | 50.00 |
Library - (MS/HS) | No Charge | 30.00 | 45.00 | 60.00 |
Cafeteria | No Charge | 40.00 | 60.00 | 80.00 |
Kitchen* | No Charge | 15.00 | 22.50 | 30.00 |
Gym (HS) | No Charge | 30.00 | 45.00 | 60.00 |
Gym (MS) | No Charge | 30.00 | 45.00 | 60.00 |
Gym (HCEC) | No Charge | 25.00 | 37.50 | 50.00 |
Gym (Elem) | No Charge | 25.00 | 37.50 | 50.00 |
Performing Arts Center* | No Charge | 55.00 | 82.50 | 100.00 |
Pool* | No Charge | 45.00 | 67.50 | 90.00 |
Community Rm (Ad Bldg.) | No Charge | 30.00 | 45.00 | 60.00 |
Ball/Soccer Fields and track | No Charge | 15.00 | 22.50 | 30.00 |
*Requires personnel for which | null | null |
Misscellaneous Rates
Item | Rate |
Snow Removal on a Sunday | $50.00/per hour |
Lining & Dragging Fields | $22.00 per field |
Athletic Equipment | $10.00/per hour |
Music Department Shell (8 available) | $10.00/per day |
Music Department Riser (8 available) | $10.00/per day |
Grand Piano | $10.00/per hour or $50.00 per day |
Personnel |
Monday-Friday |
Saturday-Sunday |
Custodians |
$30.00/per hour |
$45.00 SAT. / $60.00 SUN. |
Kitchen Staff |
$20.00 per hour | $30.00 SAT. / $40.00 SUN. |
Lifeguards |
$22.00/per hour | $22.00/per hour |
Security |
$15.00/per hour | $15.00/per hour |
Performing Arts Center Tech. |
$25.00/per hour |
$25.00/per hour |