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Enrichment and Recreation

Guests at dance

Online Registration

Winter 2025 course registration is now open!

In addition to the options of registering in person at Haslett Community Education or by calling (517) 339-2665 during business hours, online registration is also open and ongoing! If you provided an email address when registering for any class/event for yourself or a family member since January 2014, you have an account already.  Follow the link below, enter your email address as your username, and choose "forgot password."  A password will be emailed to you, and you can start registering immediately.  Have you ever registered with us before? That is also okay; click the link below to get started.  You can search for activities without signing in or creating an account.


Community Education Online Registration


Upcoming Events

Instructors Needed

We are looking for knowledgeable individuals to lead students of all ages in various classes and subject areas. Whether you are an experienced teacher in the community or a very knowledgeable hobbyist ready to share your tricks for success, we would love to speak with you. Please review the forms located under the Instructor Forms tab to the left and email them to Angela Dove at or call (517) 339-2665 for more information.
Please note that we choose classes based on various factors, including space availability, current trends, and past performance. We will work with you to create the best possible program for our community members! 

Fall Programs: Mid September-End of December
Fall Instructor Deadline: Second week of July

Winter Programs: Mid January-End of March
Winter Instructor Deadline: Second Week of October

Spring/Summer Programs: Mid April-End of August
Spring/Summer Instructor Deadline:
Second week of February

Instructor forms and information